Oddly after meditating for 24 hours at a time and after many years of this, this is the final revelation I got in my meditation. It has all the appearance of being good, but in the end is a cruel joke. If anything qualifies as sinister, I would say SRF tops my list. SRF is a major distraction, a major delusion in people's lives.

This led many ex-monks to declare the whole thing as a delusion.

The truth is that very few people seem to be successful even with the original Kriya of Lahiri Mahasaya. In addition, most gave up Kriya, saying there was something wrong with them or with the technique, never to try again. It is no wonder, when all day we are concentrating upon a sexual misfit, like Yogananda. I noticed that many members had a problem with sex. I grew up in SRF, going to Youth Camp and following everything to the T. I do not think anything Yogananda did was without damage. This has caused many illnesses and disillusionments, leading, in my case to the suicide of two of my closests friends, who I dearly miss. He did make a defective form of Kriya available to the west. Frankly I think he did more damage than good.