Testimony About Christmas & Jesus Christ. What is God’s truth? What is true church? We are happy to provide the Telegu Old and New Testaments translated by the British and Foreign Bible Society 1881 in PDF format. Wrong Teaching & Practices of Unification Church in Japan & Korea.
How To Have Quiet Time With God? Silent Retreat. Jesus The Bread Of Life Good Friday Sermon John 6:24-71. Christmas Sermon Matthew 2:1-12 (NIV) 3 Wise Men Visit To See Baby Jesus Christ. Good Friday Sermon Why is Good Friday Good?. What does it mean to Love Your God With All Your Heart, Soul, Mind & Strength? What does it mean to Love Your Neighbor As Yourself? Matthew 22:36-40 Sermon. John 3:16 Christmas Sermon: For God So Loved The World He Gave His One And Only Son, That Whoever Believes In Him Shall Not Perish But Have Eternal Life. Is Old Testament Law Still Valid In New Testament Law? Is Old Testament Law Still Valid today? How can we make the world a better place to live in? Exodus 20:1-17 (NIV). 40 Days Bible Reading Plan for New Christians Believers. 圣经 Bible Index (Chinese to English with Han Yu Pin Yin). Biblical Names English to Chinese with Hanyu Pinyin. Origin Number Of Books For Old Testament (22 Books).
We pray that these practical lessons will deepen your faith and trust in God and encourage you to be a faithful manager for Him. 13:17.) But this kind of faith does not come overnight we can, even now, by faithfully managing what God has given us, help be prepared for whatever comes our way.Īlthough we live in challenging times, our Christian worldview gives us hope as we see the signs Jesus gave to let us know that His second coming is very near.
Edward Reid, we will study God’s ideal for our relationship with Him and clearly see how we can develop a trust so deep that we will remain faithful to Him, even when we can’t buy or sell. In this quarter’s lessons, entitled Managing for the Master-Till He Comes by G. In the more than 2,000 verses in the Scriptures that deal with money and possessions and our attitude toward them, God gives practical instruction on how to live above the stresses of life and to manage in financially faithful ways what we have been given. 1st Quarter-Managing for the Master Till He Comes